American Correctional Association (ACA)
Centre, Inc.’s residential programs protocol maintains fidelity to the American Correctional Association’s expected practices for the “Adult Community Residential Services 4th Edition” standards.
ACA was founded in 1870 and is the oldest and largest international correctional organization in the world. Development of ACA standards began in 1974 (Accreditation process in 1978). Now there are over 1200 correctional facilities and programs that have adopted and implemented the standards through accreditation.
The goal in the development of the standards was to prescribe the best possible practices that could be achieved by reflecting the best judgment of corrections professionals regarding good corrections practice, recognizing current case law and being clear, relevant and comprehensive.
There are now 20 standards manuals: small jails, correctional training academies, correctional boot camps, adult correctional institutions, probation and parole field services, and ADULT COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES.
Standards establish clear goals and objectives critical to the provision of constitutional and humane correctional programs and services. Practices promote sound administration and fiscal controls, an adequate physical plant, adherence to legal criteria and provision of basic services.
Basic services called for by the standards include the establishment of a functional physical plant, training of staff, adoption of sanitation and safety minimums, and provision of safe and secure living environment.
Benefits for Centre and our clients are as follows:
Safeguarding the life, health, and safety of the staff and residents;
Aiding in the defense of potential lawsuits;
Providing a systematic evaluation of all areas of agency administration and operation;
Improving management through the creation or refinement of written policies and procedures for all areas of agency operation;
Providing all staff the opportunity to work together to assess needs and develop solutions; and
Giving recognition for achievement, improving staff morale, and demonstrating accountability to the public.